Metro LL Complete Pack - STEAM Gift - Region Free / ROW

Metro LL Complete Pack - STEAM Gift - Region Free / ROW
Товар в наличии
38441,93 рублей*
Metro: Last Light Complete Edition (Метро: Луч надежды Комплит Пак) в STEAM

БЕЗ РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫХ ОГРАНИЧЕНИЙ (Region Free - Rest Of World (ROW) / GLOBAL Steam Gift)!

Metro Last Light + Metro: Last Light Season Pass

Товар включает в себя (Includes 7 items):

Metro: Last Light - game
Metro: Last Light - Chronicles Pack - DLC
Metro: Last Light - Developer Pack - DLC
Metro: Last Light - Faction Pack - DLC
Metro: Last Light - Ranger Mode - DLC
Metro: Last Light - RPK - DLC
Metro: Last Light - Tower Pack - DLC
Подробнее о комплектности товара:


Об игре: It Is the Year 2034. Beneath the ruins of post-apocalyptic Moscow, in the tunnels of the Metro, the remnants of mankind are besieged by deadly threats from outside – and within. Mutants stalk the catacombs beneath the desolate surface, and hunt amidst the poisoned skies above. But rather than stand united, the station-cities of the Metro are locked in a struggle for the ultimate power, a doomsday device from the military vaults of D6. A civil war is stirring that could wipe humanity from the face of the earth forever. As Artyom, burdened by guilt but driven by hope, you hold the key to our survival – the last light in our darkest hour...

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4. После активации игра появиться в списке игр "Библиотека" в клиенте steam и вы сможете скачать игру со steam, а затем начать играть. Загружаемый контент (DLC's) отобразится в свойствах к игре в клиенте steam.